Wednesday 21 September 2011

Walking on eggshells.......

So im gonna start right off the bat on this one, Im tired of having to watch everything i do and everything i say. Im so exhausted from having to walk on eggshells every single minute of my life. I personally feel that i am a good trust worthy person. I want to be able to be me and act and feel the way i want, make choices i want. ive been through alot in my life up until this point, my past has made me who i am today. I want to beleive that i am strong, but when people continuously try to bring you down, it gets difficult to truly beleive this.  I feel that i have no control over my life and what gose on in it, its very stressful and upsetting. I wish that i could have a say in things not get in trouble for every little thing i do. I have to watch everything post on facebook, i have to make sure my face looks happy enough, i have to be careful who i hang out with....make sure i do things so people dont get mad....its so tireing. People have excpectations of when i should go to work, when i should be over my daughters death, over my past, who i should hang out with, talk to. my fiance has decided to work on the road im alone 3 weeks at a time, i have no say or right to my feelings about this, when i break down that makes me a bad person. i clean , take care of the dog, i love, i care. and i get shit on. i would never cheat but my boyfriend thinks i would. his family hates it and i just sit and take it. I lost my littel girl not even 3 months ago, and everyone thinks i should just be flash im not... i buried my child.I love and miss her so much...i cant talk to neone about it and it hurts. ahhhhhh im just so stressed and unhappy. I dont know what to do feels like im losing myself sometimes.......ppl make me angry, life makes me some point i gotta put me first and make me happy not everyone else. Just love me for me for the choices i make and the things i do, im not perfect but no one is.


  1. Oh hun don't pretend to be happy if you aren't. Ignore the douchebags on facebook... If they say 'anything' rude to you I will climb in their faces and read them the riot act!

  2. Here from LFCA. I'm so sorry for your loss. And I'm so sorry you are not getting the support you need and deserve. People can be such idiots. You lost your daughter! I can only imagine the depths of your grief. This is not something you just "get over." Ever. Big hug.
